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Foundation for Reasonable Christianity


Christianity's reasonable foundation

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"I really appreciated the opportunity to spend time talking with you, especially after Real Life.  You're passion for teaching and the way in which you challenge Christians to understand their faith intellectually is awesome.  Thank you for coming and holding the debates.  They have opened up conversations all over campus, as well as with many of my non-Christian friends and dorm mates.

Grace and Blessings."


Kevin Cowart, Northwestern University Student



"The week we got to spend with you was priceless.  I thank God for it and for the way he is using you in people's lives.  Seriously, I've personally seen the impact in 1 nonbeliever named Jim who is now coming to our seeker group Bible study.  He is really close to coming to Christ it seems.  On top of that, the provocative stuff you talked about sent some shock waves--healthy shock waves I think--through our movement and the deep discussion that has been occurring ever since is so awesome.  Thanks for inspiring us to really think hard about issues and to know God with our minds.  I think you've become a legend here, and now the name Tom Frost is taking on adjectival meaning."


Mike Schuetz, Northwestern University Student



"...I grew up in a Christian home and went to Christian schools and was raised on Christian ideals so God always just seemed like a part of me more than something I really believed in.  So, for the past few years, in an attempt to realize God's existence or non-existence for myself, I began questioning his existence or, for that matter, the existence of any inexplicable being.  The standout answers I always seemed to get from churches and other Christians was that "you have to have faith" or "the bible says so," or, perhaps the worst one in my opinion, "explaining the existence of God is above the human capacity for logical reasoning."  Seeing how the opposing side, whether it be atheism or evolution or something else, always seemed to have rational and logical reasoning for their beliefs, it appeared more prudent to me to lean towards their ideals.  In these past few weeks I seemed to be thinking about it more and was almost decided that the God I had grown up with did not exist.  However, after last night, it seems logically impossible for that to be the case.  Now in my opinion, God, or some sort of inexplicable being must exist.  So basically I would like to thank you for supporting the "other" side (which is now my side) so scholastically and with such extremely reasonable arguments for a world that's run by reason...again, thank you very very much."


Jim Matthews, UCI Philosophy Undergraduate



"...I do, however, want to thank you sincerely for all the time you spent investing in the lives of so many at Northwestern and in me personally!

     I don't know if you got to talk to Tim recently, but I do think that the Northwestern community as a whole was engaged in more spiritual conversations because of your ministry!  I had the chance to talk w/ several girls in my sorority house, all of whom were very interested in talking more about God!  Many were impressed by your evident knowledge including even guys like Jordan (he's in one of my classes)  I think you engaged a group of students on campus that we "religious" students have a hard time reaching -- I look forward to more chances to talk w/ them!...

     Besides the impact you had on campus you also definitely challenged me to do exactly what you had hoped -- love God more completely w/ my mind.  I spent several hours reading the Word and talking w/ others about a lot of the points you brought up -- and God definitely engaged me in a deeper relationship w/ Him because of it!"


Hanell Allison, Northwestern University Student



"Shockingly novel talk, shocking in that you don't hear such discussion in a church.  These discussions are much needed in our Christian community"


Anonymous, Creekside Christian Fellowship



"I think it is absolutely marvelous that there is an individual (you) who feels so deeply about helping those that are seeking

unconventional ways of exploring "God" -regardless of whether those individuals come around to your way of thinking.  The mere fact that someone is questioning everything that the majority of society adheres to and blindly follows-is so admirable and inspiring to me.  Thank you for embracing the simplicity of the need-to understand and know in ones heart that there either is a God, or there is not.


Last night, the electricity in the room was exploding! Your energy and passion is contagious!


You have a very charismatic way about you. I think part of your charm and charisma, is that you are yourself. There is no pretense. You reveal the intensity of your passion for your subject matter on so many levels: your eye contact with the audience, your physical presence of  placing yourself close to your listeners, not on the stage behind the podium, your natural injection of humor, which is so delightful and of obvious spontaneity, your delivery, your pitch and your choice of words are all beautifully executed.


I observed your quick change of pace whenever you were interrupted by a question from the audience, (such as myself!). You immediately stopped your train of thought, and shifted your focus with great intent on the individual posing the question. You re-phrased the question, not only to make sure you understood it, but also to make sure the person asking the question understood what they were asking! Your reply is always succinct and  exacting. You don't hesitate to respond.


While I am not yet convinced of your position on certain matters, I am eager to return to hear what you have to say.


I am sure I am not alone in pondering what happens after week 4 concludes. Where do we go to continue our exploration of such stimulating thought? It is rare to find, indeed.


I know very little about your Foundation. But, I wonder if you have considered opening your own spiritual "sanctuary"-a place for non believers, seekers, Christians,  non Christians to go and listen to a principled, well educated man discuss and explore the

most important questions in the Universe!  I know I would look forward to going!


I hope this gives you a feel for the impression you left on at least one person in your audience last night. I have no doubt others

came away with a similar feeling and sentiment.


Please keep me posted on your future endeavors and whereabouts. And, thank you for providing some much needed inspiration in my life.  Sincere Regards, Laurie."


Laurie Mirman Rogers, Creekside Christian Fellowship

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