Foundation for Reasonable Christianity
Christianity's reasonable foundation
Nine Northwestern University students are still interacting with Tom long after one of his three lectures there was over.

Nine Northwestern University students are still inter-acting with Tom long after one of his three lectures there.
About a dozen Northwestern University students surround Tom on stage to ask him questions shortly after one of his three lectures there.

About a dozen Northwestern University students surround Tom on stage to ask him questions shortly after one of his three lectures there.
Northwestern University students continue to enter the auditorium before one of Tom's three lectures there.

Northwestern University students continue to enter the auditorium before one of Tom's three lectures there.
Professor James Earthman introduces Tom to the crowd at UC, Irvine at the start of the event.

Professor James Earthman intro-duces Tom to the crowd at UC, Irvine at the start of the event.
Tom giving one of his mini-lectures on one of the four stages of his argument for God's existence at UC, Irvine.

Tom giving one of his mini-lectures on one of the four stages of his argument for God's existence at UC, Irvine.
A grad student asks Tom a question during one of the dialogue portions of his "Mini-lectures-and-dialogues-with-the-audience" on the existence of God at UC, Irvine.

A grad student asks Tom a question during one of the dialogue portions of his "Mini-lectures-and-dialogues-with-the-audience" on the existence of God at UCI.
Tom uses pen and paper to explain something to Northwestern University students who stayed around to ask questions after one of his three lectures there.

Tom uses pen and paper to explain some-thing to Northwestern University students who stayed around to ask questions after one of his three lectures there.
Students lined up and entering the event at UC, Irvine.

Students lined up and entering the event at UCI.
Tom continues to interact with students at Northwestern University after one of his three lectures

Tom continues to interact with students at Northwestern University after one of his three lectures